A view of life through the eyes of a person who is slowly losing their mind.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

what image are you under now

So many of us, too many I know, and not any to admit, act under a different image for each group of people they are around. Depends on the company I guess. Most of us act a little more humane around certain groups of other humans, like children for example. I don't care if you have the mouth of a truck driver (no offense dad) when a child is around you send that signal to your brain to turn it off. Or parents for example, my parents know me better than anyone and we have a great relationship. I must admit though, there are certain phrases I do not use in their presence. That is out of respect. What I do not respect is people who feel they have to act out in front of others to "impress them."
That is ridiculous.

No offense, but I believe it more to be about having a penis. I was blessed without one of those attitude extensions that seem to just make the general male look like an ass. (Not all, but a large percent, and very few of my male friends) If a male is around other males who are drunk and playing guitars, it tends to be mild and fun and simple. But, if its a crowd of drunken men in front of a pretty girl it turns into a peeing contest.

I apologize for going of on men, cause it's not just you, we all do it. I just don't get it. Isn't it easier to be the same all the time, yourself, and not have to remember how to act in certain company?? It's so much more fun when you don't need to try to be accepted, your more accepted when people know you, not how you act in front of joe schmoe as apposed to jane. Just do me a favor, and be true to yourself and your feelings, no matter what, and it'll avoid having to go back to the people you unnessesarily vented to in the heat of anger. You say things you don't mean, imbelish reality and make other people look bad for no good reason other then stooping to a level or two below you.
Thanks. Today will be fun!!!
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