A view of life through the eyes of a person who is slowly losing their mind.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Evidence, Not necessary

I don't need it, I don't need proof of God or Aliens or ghosts or love because I know it's there. The universe is so vast, who is to say what does and does not exist. I believe. How much of myself could I share?? How about all of it.

Some of my readers have requested to learn more about "me".....hmm....

In the rare moments that I sit in a crowd and am quiet, I am actually conspiring..trying to find the most ridiculous thing I can do to make everyone laugh. Especially for the other ten people in the crowd who are sitting quietly because they are uncomfortable. When every one laughs that feeling dissipates.

I am not lazy, although I do procrastinate all of the important things in my world, like car insurance and health benefits. I always have to be doing some thing. Call it ADD, but it's part of me.

I love pasta and I make a hell of an alfredo sauce.

I weigh in at about 110-112, but I want to be smaller, just in one area, a little pouch on my belly, it's actually kind of cute, but I like to be flat. I have small boobs 34B. I don't like surgery, so looks like I'm livin with what the good lord gave me.

The only time I really can put things into perspective is when I'm on foot in the woods. That is where I do my best thinking. I've written so many things just sitting next to the ponds that as time allows I will share here in this blog.

I hate when people snore or grind their teeth. I hate constant sniffling (blow your god damn nose). I dislike cooked veggies, give them to me raw and bad breath.

I love my friends, Kelly, Melany, Vinny, Rich, Dave and Dave and yet another friend named Dave, Tiffany, John, George, Alan, Jack, Jimmy, Larry (if he ever actually decides to be my friend again) and others that I don't want to forget aside from the tens of twenties of casual friends that I have in addition to the named above.

It's so good to be able to open up to them again. Some did think I was going to go crazy but I fixed it. Ahh, what more do you really need to know aside from what is already in my profile. What you read is what you get. I'm a lot of fun. I know this or I wouldn't have as many friends as I did.

I want to connect with so many people. I'm a mind slut. Sickening as it sounds as I write this I can't help but glance out the window every few minutes to see the two Golden Retrievers gettin on and making puppies, ah life is good.


Last night I looked into your eyes, and really looked. It was almost scary because there you were, all of you. The exact person I knew you were. You had nothing to hide. I did. I had to hide my fear from you, knowing that this could be as good as it is now only better with time. Time is something we can only measure in terms of what we had yesterday and in history. I can't predict my time from this moment forward. I want so much of it. So very much ot it. Gotta enjoy the present because no one knows.
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