A view of life through the eyes of a person who is slowly losing their mind.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Cheesy scrambled eggs on toast with cofee black

Good breakfast. Heart stopper. I'm being blown around, not necessarily off. I slept like an angel last night. And it's my favorite day of the week, THURSDAY!!! Gotta wait tables tonight and then I'm supposed to play open mic with Dan. But Dan's brother is in the hospital so I'm not sure what's going to happen, plus the fact that I won't even be leaving work until after eleven.

I'm just looking to make sure things are going. I hate not knowing what may be next. I'm one of those that thinks that I can control how my day goes and where. This morning I came to the realization that this is not necessarily true. I wish you all knew, but hey, I can't blame any single person for not taking me seriously. Look at my world, where it has been for years now. Finally I feel as if I have a good grip on things. I like to take care of myself and you know what, it's starting to become clear to me that I am not completely happy unless I have a hand in taking care of another as well. If a day goes by that I can't do some thing to make some one else feel more at ease with planet Earth, why breathe.

No one is innoccent though. I have hurt, firsthand. So what's a girl to do. Maybe patience is the key here, but I see none of that in my future. My magic 8 ball is going to experiece it's first fly down the steps unless it starts answering my questions with the right answers.

My breakfast is making my stomach turn. Yuck. and Yee-ha.
Don't feel bad the magic 8 ball never answers my questions right either.You were there a few times, ya know what I mean? Don't say ask again later!!
Did someone say 8-ball?
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